Friday, 1 January 2010

New Years Eve 2009

Whilst the world was preparing to celebrate with Lambrini and Twiglets. I was cleaning The Stitch and make Studio in my magical beetle-winged scrubbing helmet.


  1. Promise me I can wear it when I scrub the stairs!

  2. No, No, Miss Gibson these are truly couture and made to fit one's own head. You can wear the wings instead (and I'm not talking Tena lady either!)

  3. Hey Abbie, the scrubbing helmet is wasted on just cleaning, you should wear it all the time....I love it! Happy New Year gorgeous, hope the studio is coming on nicely.
    I'll pop by soon, love Lindsay (aka Elsie!) xx

  4. That has got to be the best cleaning outfit I have ever seen!

    Such a pity a have moved back to devon otherwise I definately would have some to your group - wish you the best of luck and every success with it.

    Traci x

  5. Thanks Traci,
    We had the opening night last night and despite all my worrying it was a stonking success. We had plenty of folks signing up for the new workshops and the new Stitch and Bitch. You could always start one in devon !!
