In October I was lucky enough to have this T-shirt featured in Sew Hip. Apologies for the picture quality, I am fairly new to this. You could use the techniques I used on any type of clothing and they particularly look good as book covers. So I put together a workshop demonstrating loads of textile techniques as samples which could then be applied to anything you could imagine. Basically, if it doesn't move, cover it in fabric!
On Sat 24th April the wonderful Miss AP and myself are running our "Customising Charity Shop Finds" workshop from 10 till 4pm at a cost of £35. This is a great day of frenzied activity, plus you get the chance to rummage through my old fabrics, some of which are very precious. We will demo lots of different techniques which you can then try yourselves. In the afternoon we will show how you can use these techniques in your work and apply them. We have plenty of sewing machines (including the new Elna's) equipment and there's plenty of space to spread out. Unfortunately we don't feed you at lunchtime but there will be plenty of TEA and BICCIES for artistic sustenance, and you can take a well earned break in the nans knitting lounge.
If this kind of thing floats your boat (and I'm sure it will)
get in touch and I'll put your name and details on the list.
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