Phew, there's also some other great stuff in the pipeline too. So I've started work in earnest the past fortnight and I have a feeling that this years going to be momentous, yes indeedy.
As a result of all this posivity Ive begun to cut up my vintage fabrics!!! Yikes! And have started to build up my stock in anticipation of a fruitful Spring and Summer.
The dress with the darker green bodice is made from the most gorgeous, very expensive and heavy cotton lace with a cotton lawn skirt. They all have this great scooped back with a tie (so you can still wear a bra).
The orange flowery one is Italian Silk/satin and the one in the middle is turqouise corded lace bodice with contrast skirt this is one of my favourite fabrics from my treasured collection. Its in perfect condition and the print is awesome. Ive put two of these dresses on the rail at The Most Marvellous. Please pop along and say hello to them if you've got the time.
Love the dresses, must get to Most Marvellous again soon.