Monday, 2 September 2013

Now is the Time.

Wallpaper magazine.

I'm often sadly disappointed by the lack of decent magazines I can buy in my local WH Smith. They don't stock Selvedge, Wonderland or anything else remotely interesting.  I often wish Id been lobotomised so I could get at least some pleasure from TV Quickie or bumper wordsearch puzzle books. So I sometimes settle for expensive women's magazines, but my heart's not really in it.  I don't really want to be party to how Linda Evangelista applies her mascara and I don't care about boswellox and pentipeptides.  However I do love, love, love Wallpaper magazine because of the mix-up of fashion and styling.  It's aspirational, interesting and indulgent.
Margaret Howells pattern lay.

In Septembers Issue there's a real Hand craft theme.  Refreshingly we're not talking pinking edged bunting and tea lights in jam-jars.  But the real deal, skills taught, passed on and used.  Working with our hands.  Halle-bloody-luau. To me, I really don't care if Ill never, ever be able to afford a Margaret Howell jacket, Paul Smith dress or Hermes handbag. It's the fact that those things exist in my world and it's a world I can relate to.
Margaret Howells cutter at work.

I grateful forevermore that someone can imagine, design, understand the materials they work with and produce a fine quality piece of work .  And I don't particularly mind what that object is, that's immaterial. As long as it's not something like a gimp mask or a felted vagina.  Let's leave those to Etsy.
Hand wrought Iron Railings for the new Paul Smith shop.

Here's the maestro himself.  Why don't we make Paul Smith Prime Minister? He's just so awesome. he's commissioned railings to be hand made in some foundry somewhere in the Uk.  These are going to be for his new shop in London. I'm sorry I can't be more specific but I've lent the magazine to someone else can't check my facts, whoops. 
Chanel models "do" knitting.

Finally, for now, Chanel models "do" knitting just to prove that making is now an official "thing". I think it's scarves for teddies.   

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